Arch. Salman Idris is the representative Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu need now-Ibrahim Ekundayo Wasiu

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The emergence and continuous rise over the years of our principal – Arc Salman Idris in the political circle has proven to follow a servant-first pattern in all ramifications.

This is manifested in the care he has taken to ensure that other people’s needs are given topmost priority.

His Imprint and leadership style is primarily focused on the growth and well-being of his people and the communities to which he belongs. This is obvious in his unrepentant attitude of turning boys into men over the years.

Being a servant-leader, a very rare trait in our clime today, this astute leader continued to empower his people, and help them flourished in their different fields of endeavor.

However we cannot afford to lose this rare gem political sojourn: at this critical scenario of our political history. He competently remains our unified candidates come rain come sun.



Ibrahim Ekundayo Wasiu

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