Celebrating a great woman and a rare masterpiece, Mrs Yemisi Makanjuola (Monimak) on her birthday

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Like many Women all over the world, Yemisi Makanjuola has been “Tearing Down Barriers and Breaking Glass Ceilings for years especially in the area of sports administration and development.
She exemplifies the qualities of character, wisdom, courage, and strength and continue to pursue her aspirations to become who she was created to be.

Not a “Superwoman,” but a “Woman of Virtue.” Being a virtuous woman is not about being perfect, but rather it is about living a life full of purpose and daily demonstrating this through character, wisdom, courage, and strength.

Today being her birthday, the whole world celebrate a woman who is a perfect example of beauty and God fearing person. She’s the pillar of sport who makes many so strong, love so true, joy so real, faith so firm and fear so ordinary.

She is the embodiment of cerebral articulation, the epitome of intellection and breathtaking simplicity, the personification of undiluted humanness, the perfect example of leadership symbolism, the paragon of idealism, the soul humanity, the mirror of beauty , the amazon.
Indeed, some women are born, some achieve leadership, some have leadership thrust upon them, while only very few have all three embedded in them.

Mrs Yemisi Makanjuola is one of those very few good women; a true woman, a woman of valour, the bringer of rain.

In the gallery of great leaders and great women, she is without doubt, a rare masterpiece.

Happy birthday to a rare masterpiece!

Gideon Ayodele.

Publisher/editor in chief,

The Projector News& Pics

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