I have been privileged to meet different distinguished men at different times in my life and the man who graces this page today as my Leading man is indeed exceptional.
A brother, mentor, humble, graced, elegant, affable, intelligent, dependable, with integrity and without airs…these are few words that come to mind as I try to describe this young industrialist of substance.
I write about him not describing him from a distance or as someone I have read about in the papers, heard on radio or seen on television…NO! I write about him as someone I have a personal relationship with so when I say his traits of selflessness, compassion and wisdom are exceptional, it is from who knows and it is the TRUTH!
Trying to interview fee people around the community about the person of Dr Ralph Arokoyo, something stood out from the words everyone I interviewed spoke about him: his humility and simplicity!
That is how you know the true character of a person: consistent disposition! I know no one is perfect but I have not met one person who has even one negative thing to say about him, not one.
As you agelessly turn another year today, may God’s light shine brighter in you, through you and around you.
You are indeed a beacon of light and hope. Humanity celebrates you, God bless the day I met you.
I love you now and always will. Happy birthday!
-Gideon Ayodele