Happy birthday to a rare gem, quintessential statesman Dr. Muyi Aina-DMA Support Group

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The great philosopher, Aristotle once said that “Happiness lies in virtuous activity which is contemplative.” A life therefore, bereft of such cognitive and rigorous epistemic interrogation would hardly be elevated to the pedestal that Aristotle postulated.

All great leaders are unique yet bound by definitive attributes – clarity of purpose, deep-rooted humanity, sense of equity and justice, and intellect. They lead the world and people to new thought patterns, inspire belief, drive innovations, discountenance divisiveness, and reform retrogressive ideologies.

Think of the likes of Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, Kwame Nkrumah, Nnamdi Azikiwe and Michael Okpara. Born at different points in time, vastly differing on both genotypic and phenotypic basis, raised differently and faced different challenges, yet left similar indelible prints on the sands of time.
They fought for their nations freedom and survival, disabused the people of their intense jingoistic inclinations, forged unity in diversity and catalyzed the evolution of a new world order.

Dr. Muyiwa Aina is a scion from the stock of these great leaders with his unmistakable solidity of character, strength of conviction and suitability to evolving times.
Without equivocation, Dr Muyi personifies and exudes uncommon and incredible humaneness and kindness.

Another philosopher Socrates, said that “an unexamined life is not worth living.” And what better time is there not only to examine but to celebrate this quintessential statesman’s sojourn on our terra firma as he gallantly gallops steadily and majestically into another year.

You are a light to your generation, may you never turn dim. We hope all your birthday wishes and dreams come true. We also pray for you on your birthday that whatever you ask, may you receive, whatever you seek, may you find, whatever you wish for, may it be fulfilled on your birthday and always. Another beautiful adventure filled year awaits you Sir.

Our special wish for you this special day, is that God will lift you even higher and expand your coast beyond imagination. God bless you abundantly as He opens a new page of Glory over you.

Happy birthday to you, our great leader, consensus builder, trail blazer, gentleman par excellence and rabbi (Teacher)!

Cheers to your glittering new age, sir!

DMA Support Group

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