Happy prosperous birth anniversary to a loyal and competent man and supportive beloved personality. Leader Rotimi Adedayo Tellar (Agba)

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I joined millions of well wishers today to celebrate you, to celebrate your life and your immeasurable impacts and contribution to the development of Oweland and the world around you.
Your giant strides in human/capital and community development in Oweland till date is a record to beat. You’re undoubtedly a motivation and living example to every aspiring Political and societal development.

I appreciate you for all that you do and pray that you live even longer to do more.
Thank you for all that you are to our party and my struggle at large.
On this occasion of your birth anniversary, we wish you peace, joy and lasting fulfilment in all of your endeavors.Amen.
Happy birthday Rotimi Adedayo a.k.a Agba Tellar as I do call you sir.
Thanks for all you do my reliable brother.

Signed by;
Hon Olaiya Michael Olobatoke.
PDP, HOR Candidate
Kabba-Bunu/ijumu federal constituency

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