Hon. (Arc.) Idris Salman (FNIA) passionately committed to serving the people

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In our clime, it is often said that, politics is a game of deceit, hatred and wealth amassing.

Some people believe that it is a dirty trade that should not be associated with “clean people”. While some ignorantly conclude that Politicians are very sick people that needs no attention etc.

For the purpose of those who harbour such perceptions as above, it is imperative, to remind us that it is those Politicians of limited merits, values and capabilities that are bad and not politics.

It is also trite to say, that you can’t do more than what your moral and intellectual capacity offer.

Ordinarily, a political career should be meant for people of high integrity, moral rectitude and additional skills to achieve results and finding better ways of making life better for the people.

Selfless service which ought to be the priority & hallmark of all Politicians is rare to come by in our political firmament.

For the purpose of this write up, Architect Salman is a well disciplined personality who is determined to make life better for his Constituents.

Discipline is the quality which guarantees all others according to Winston Churchill.

Just few months after his assumption of office as member representing the highly industrious and pragmatic people of Kabba-Bunu/ Ijumu Federal Constituency, Hon. Salman strongly believes and his committed in taking care and maintaining the community of his people. This is so, because community service is all about giving back to the society whose mandate and social contract he is holding in trust.

Good governance, transparency, periodic stewardship & accountability will elude a society where mediocres find themselves in the corridor of power.

For the records, Salman before throwing his hat into the political ring, he has a thorough knowledge and up-to- date information about Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu Federal Constituency. For a fact, he has a first hand knowledge of the myriad of challenges bedeviling his people.

So, it was no surprising seeing him embarking on a multi- million naira empowerment initiatives for the teeming youths, women, aged, artisans etc to alleviate the biting economic impasse that has been a recurring decima over the years.

He was also instrumental to the connection of Aiyegunle Gbedde – Iluke electricity to the national grid that has been in darkness for over 10 years! He has also attracted about 500m to Aiyegunle Gbedde and assiduously working with relevant authorities on the other roads needing attention crucial to the economic development of the Federal Constituency.

In terms of reducing drastically the geometric increase in unemployment, he has secured employment for some of our educated youths and more are in the pipeline.

Within the very short time he has been in office, he has donated millions of naira for Community development and assisting individuals, groups and associations etc.

In a way to accord our traditional institutions respect and stewardship, the traditional rulers are periodically being briefed of his legislative activities in the Green Dome.

Succinctly, the more than a thousand beneficiaries carted home items ranging from 450 food and cash incentives for widows and the elderly, 36 generators for artisans, 20 motorcycles for party loyalists, 20 grinding machines for old women, 8 Industrial Sewing machines for Tailors, 3 Canon cameras and printers, 2 laptops for students of higher citadel of learning & undisclosed amount for our traditional institutions and party leadership etc – just for the first batch of his empowerment initiatives.

In his primary assignment as a legislator, Arc. Salman have exhibited an outstanding level of technical savvy to handling fiscal matters, debates, sponsoring bills, policies, projects, ideas and initiative solutions to problems etc.

A man that knows his onions is always consistent in his actions, methods, values, principles, expectations and probable outcomes.

Corruption is a common malaise that has eaten deep into the fabric that makes up of our existence.

The trained Architect cum Politician is a good and responsible legislator who gives high regard for morality and law abiding.

For any political Leader to be effective and responsive, your followers must have trust in your leadership.

The Aiyegunle- Gbedde born political strategist has consistently built trust in his followers by displaying good sense of character, ability to be proactive rather than being reactive and exhibiting innate traits and uncommon values not easily attributable to political leaders.

With no propensity to amass wealth by all means possible, Architect Salman greatest strength is deriving joy in serving the people. On this premise, he is carving a niche for himself knowing fully well that a fulfilling & meaningful life is created through service to humanity.

Less than a year in office, Salman is true in his dealings with his Constituents. He makes promises and keep those promises. He is a rare personality you can can vouch for because his words depicts actions.

In Kabba-Bunu/ Ijumu Federal Constituency, we are blessed with a faithful and effective Politician who is trustworthy and reliable.

As a matter of fact, the day we start believing that our Representatives have a central role to play in our lives, the society would be a better place to living. Why is it so!?

This is because, they are the concentrated voices of the people that make all efforts to improving their constituencies and the peoples’ welfare.

Without mincing words, Hon. Architect Idris Salman is a good and dependable Politician who is always delighted to serve his people and consider himself as a servant and the people, his paymasters.

To this end, he is ever- willing to support and implement social reforms and policy measures designed to contribute positively to the general welfare of the populace irrespective of party background, religion, tribe, status, gender or other extraneous considerations.

Tony Oloniruha,

Political Communications Expert,

Writes from Kabba, Kogi State.

9th February, 2024.

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