Ijumu Development Union, IDU salutes Ijumu Unity Group, IUG exco & BOT

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Ijumu Development Union (IDU), a socio cultural& non political organisation & the umbrella of all community development associations in ljumu Kingdom, congratulate ljumu Unity Group (IUG) for the inauguration of her Executives & Board of Trustees (BOT) on 31/10/22 in lyara, headquarters of ljumu LGA.

The IDU too observed that things have not gone well enough in the domain of theKingdom’s cultural, educational, sociological, political and economic trends. Therefore, the coming on board of eminent ljumu personalities and political heavyweights/ stakeholders at this time is apt.

We strongly believe that IUG, as a political pressure group will do holistic review on challenges of breakdown of our cultural values, lack of principle on affairs & collective welfare that could bring development.

We assure of our support on your objectives & services to ljumu.

Chief Kayode Olorunmaiye JP , National President IDU

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